Annual General Meetings

Annual General Meeting and conference

The Institute holds an Annual General Meeting and conference each year. 

The conduct of the AGM is governed by the Rules of the Institute. The business covered at the AGM is the Presidents report (on the state of the Institute), the accounts, election of council and other officers and any other items that may have been notified. Copies of these reports are located in the Members Only section of this website.

The AGM and conference is now typically held in August each year.

Historical AGMS and conferences

The 2023 AGM and conference was held at Hilton Auckland.  The programme is here.

The 2022 AGM and conference was held at Te Pae the Christchurch Convention Centre.  The programme is here.

The 2021 AGM and conference was held in the Banquet Hall at Parliament. The programme is here.

The 2020 AGM and conference was held online due to COVID-19. The programme is here

The 219 AGM and conference was held at the RNZYS in Auckland. The presentations are here.

The 2018 AGM and conference was held at the Boat Shed in Wellington. The programme is here

The 2017 AGM and conference was held at Cordis Hotel in Auckland. The programme is here

The 2016 AGM and conference was held at The Intercontinental in Wellington. The presentations are here.

The 2015 AGM and conference was held at Hadlee Pavillion in Christchurch. The presentations are here.

The 2014 AGM and conference was held at Pacific Rendezvous in Auckland. The presentations are here.

The 2013 AGM and conference was held in Wellington. The presentations are here.

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